Il futuro del management

Ernst - Hauser - Katzenstein - Micic
Lebenswelten 2020 - So werden wir leben
36 Zukunftsforscher über die Chancen von morgen

Köln - Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge, 2000

Management Challenges for the 21th Century

Peter F. Druker
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 2000, pag. 205, US$ 19.90.

La partecipazione finanziaria, L’impresa al plurale, Quaderni della partecipazione

Guido Baglioni (a cura di)
Franco Angeli, Milano, 2001

The Skeptical Environmentalist. Measuring the Real State of the World

Bjorn Lomborg
Cambridge University Press, 2001

Invisible Advantage. How Intangibles are driving Business Performance

Jonathan Low and Pam Cohet Kalafut

Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, Mass., 2002, pagg. 259

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